Mes del cumpleaños del WILLOW
Momentos emotivos
Momentos emotivos
Estamos preparados para recibir la primavera.
Why do we love superheroes? It is because we imagine about having powers that make us greater than we are?
Aplicamos Matemáticas
Profesor, ceramista y pintor
Pintor y Escultor
Perfil del niño de 3 años
Form 4 is reviewing past tenses adding some context to the content. THE MAGIC NOTEBOOK The starting story they were exposed to was “The magic notebook”, where two children are told a story by their grandfather. It all began when Grandpa was 10 years old and found a mysterious notebook. His brother and he were […]
La Deriva Continental Es la hipótesis, acreditada al meteorólogo alemán Alfred Wegener, y publicada en 1915 en su obra “The Origin of Continents and Oceans” (el origen de los continentes y océanos), donde plantea que durante el final del periodo Paleozoico y el principio del periodo Mesozoico las masas de tierra estaban unidas originalmente en […]